nidn.trcwa.utils package


nidn.trcwa.utils.fft_funs module

nidn.trcwa.utils.fft_funs.Epsilon_fft(dN, eps_grid, G)

dN = 1/Nx/Ny For now, assume epsilon is diagonal; if epsilon has xz,yz component, just simply add them to off-diagonal eps2

eps_grid is (1) for isotropic, a numpy 2d array in the format of (Nx,Ny),
  1. for anisotropic, a list of numpy 2d array [(Nx,Ny),(Nx,Ny),(Nx,Ny)]

nidn.trcwa.utils.fft_funs.get_conv(dN, s_in, G)

Attain convolution matrix dN = 1/Nx/Ny s_in: np.array of length Nx*Ny G: shape (nG,2), 2 for Lk1,Lk2 s_out: 1/N sum a_m exp(-2pi i mk/n), shape (nGx*nGy)

nidn.trcwa.utils.fft_funs.get_fft(dN, s_in, G)

FFT to get Fourier components

s_in: np.2d array of size (Nx,Ny) G: shape (nG,2), 2 for Gx,Gy s_out: 1/N sum a_m exp(-2pi i mk/n), shape (nGx*nGy)

nidn.trcwa.utils.fft_funs.get_ifft(Nx, Ny, s_in, G)

Reconstruct real-space fields

nidn.trcwa.utils.kbloch module

nidn.trcwa.utils.kbloch.Gsel_circular(nG, Lk1, Lk2)

From Liu’s gsel.c. NG * abs(u x v) is approximately the area in k-space we will need cover with a circular disc. (u and v are the 2 shortest lattice vectors) From the area, we can find the radius (and round it up). Then, we can find the minimum extends in each of the two lattice directions.

nidn.trcwa.utils.kbloch.Gsel_parallelogramic(nG, Lk1, Lk2)

From Liu’s gsel.c

nidn.trcwa.utils.kbloch.Lattice_Reciprocate(L1, L2)

Given two lattice vectors L1,L2 in the form of (Lx,Ly), returns the reciprocate vectors Lk/(2*pi)

nidn.trcwa.utils.kbloch.Lattice_SetKs(G, kx0, ky0, Lk1, Lk2)

Construct kx,ky including all relevant orders, given initial scalar kx,ky 2pi factor is now included in the returned kx,ky

nidn.trcwa.utils.kbloch.Lattice_getG(nG, Lk1, Lk2, method=0)

The G is defined to produce the following reciprocal vector: k = G[:,0] Lk1 + G[:,1] Lk2 (both k and Lk don’t include the 2pi factor)

method:0 for circular truncation, 1 for parallelogramic truncation

nidn.trcwa.utils.torch_functions module

Utility functions to make torch operations compatible with numpy syntax.

nidn.trcwa.utils.torch_functions.torch_dot(a, b)

Computes a dot product in torch that is compatible with numpy style syntax.

  • a (torch.tensor) – Tensor a in the dot product of a and b.

  • b (torch.tensor) – Tensor b in the dot product of a and b.


Dot product of a and b

Return type


nidn.trcwa.utils.torch_functions.torch_eye(size, dtype=None)

Implementation of torch.eye that returns a complex tensor. Else falls back on torch.eye.

  • shape (list) – Shape vector for identity matrix.

  • dtype (dtype) – Requested datatype.


Initialized tensor with real part of the diagonal set to one and imaginary part of the diagonal set to zero, and zeros elsewhere

Return type



Custom transpose for torch as torch.transpose diverges from numpy, see


n_dimensional_tensor (torch.tensor) – Tensor to transpose.


Transposed tensor

Return type


nidn.trcwa.utils.torch_functions.torch_zeros(shape, dtype)

Implementation of torch.zeros that returns a complex tensor. Else falls back on torch.zeros.

  • shape (list) – Shape vector for zeros tensor.

  • dtype (dtype) – Requested datatype.


Initialized tensor with real and imaginary part set to zero

Return type


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